Sunday, October 31, 2010

Well, Hello there :D

FIRST POST,fiiirst pooost,first postfirst...POOOOST!!!
Are you excited? I'm excited. Can't ya tell :D.
BEINVENIDOS, and welcome to the unpredictable mind of xMmmSoupx. If you get lost, make sure to find your nearest kiosk, and ask for a map. Don't worry they're free.
Ok so let's get started. It is Halloween, and I hadn't gone trick-or-treating ONLY because I'm living at college, do not know the scenery. Don't want to get wonky candy you know lol.
Moving on to what you might see while reading my blog:
- kawaii
- harajuku
- rave
- japanese style/culture
- sales/buys
- cute/funny vids
dangit...what are those things called OH!
- reviews!
- thoughts/full-length days
- to-do lists
- wants lists
- bucket lists
- advice
- ....well just about anything that falls outof my head down to my fingertips and onto the keyboard
so if you're in YOU BETTER BE IN FOR THE LONG RUN!...well you dont HAVE to be, but it would be nice.
I'm going to try to be as grammatically, and punctuationally correct as possible. I may make up words here or there because thats just how I am lol.
With all that said, I hope that you all enjoy

Much Love, and Kawaii Kisses ^3^